Quantitative aptitude is one of the most important section of banking exams. It also consumes more time than the other section. You need to be quick with the calculation and tricks to be able to solve this section at faster pace. Before solving any topic or question, first download the syllabus. Here are some general topics of quantitative aptitude of banking exams:

  • Simplification and approximation
  • Quadratic equation
  • Number series
  • Percentage
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Mixture and allegation
  • Simple interest and compound interest
  • time and work
  • Speed, distance and time
  • Problem on ages
  • Pipes and cisterns
  • Average
  • Partnership
  • Profit, loss and discount
  • Upstream and downstream
  • Probability
  • Permutations and combinations
  • Mensuration-Triangle, Quadrilateral, Square, Rhombus, Trapezium, Circle, Semi-Circle, Prism, Cuboid, Cube, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Hemisphere.
  • Data sufficiency
  • Data Interpretation- Data table, Bar graph, Line graph, Pie chart, Radar graph, Missing table, Line and table, Logical table, Arithmetic problems based DI

Prior to study any topic, you have to remember some basics like- 1–30 table, square of 1-30, cube of 1-25, fraction value of 1/2 to 1/20, percentage to fraction, fraction to percentage. After this, start your preparation as following:

First target 3 chapters i.e. simplification and approximation, number series and quadratic equation, solve at least 100–150 questions of each topic, after that start solving arithmetic chapters one by one from basic to advance level. Try to complete these in the order I have typed. You should complete arithmetic chapters otherwise you will stuck in mains paper. One has to solve at least 50–100 questions of each type. Be quick and accurate in every topic. Data Interpretation is one of the most important topics, first try to understand each type of data interpretation then solve at least 10 DI on daily basis. After preparing 2–3 chapters, revise them on the weekend. Maybe you will face some difficulties, but that’s normal. After learning each chapter, give section mocks, which are available on our website. Analyze your performance and identify your mistakes and weak areas, try to improve it. Repeat this until you finish your target.

These are the basic building blocks which are going to fetch you maximum marks in bank examinations. Daily 2 hours of quant will go a long way in improving this section, during this time brush up chapter wise concepts along with a lot of practice questions.

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