CTET CDP practice Set :15 Important Questions for Child Development and Pedagogy for CTET 2024 – Set 1

CTET CDP practice Set : Child development and pedagogy are two important fields of study that address the growth and learning of children. Child development focuses on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes that children experience from birth to adulthood. Pedagogy, on the other hand, is the study of teaching and learning methods.

15 Important Questions

Child Development MCQs

1. What is the primary focus of developmental psychology in relation to education?

  • A) Teaching methods
  • B) Cognitive processes
  • C) Physical growth
  • D) Social interactions

Answer: B) Cognitive processes

Explanation: Developmental psychology focuses on understanding how cognitive processes, such as memory, language, and problem-solving, evolve over time.

2. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, which stage occurs during infancy (0-2 years)?

  • A) Sensorimotor
  • B) Preoperational
  • C) Concrete operational
  • D) Formal operational

Answer: A) Sensorimotor

Explanation: The sensorimotor stage is characterized by sensory experiences and motor actions, typical of infants.

3. What is the key concept in Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory of development?

  • A) Stages of development
  • B) Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
  • C) Critical periods
  • D) Emotional intelligence

Answer: B) Zone of proximal development (ZPD)

Explanation: Vygotsky’s theory emphasizes the importance of the ZPD, the range of tasks a child can perform with help, but not alone.

4. Which domain of development involves the ability to control and coordinate body movements?

  • A) Cognitive development
  • B) Emotional development
  • C) Physical development
  • D) Social development

Answer: C) Physical development

Explanation: Physical development involves motor skills and coordination of bodily movements.

5. Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development includes how many stages?

  • A) 5
  • B) 6
  • C) 8
  • D) 10

Answer: C) 8

Explanation: Erikson identified eight stages of psychosocial development, each associated with a specific conflict or challenge.

6. According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, which needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs can be addressed?

  • A) Physiological needs
  • B) Safety needs
  • C) Esteem needs
  • D) Self-actualization needs

Answer: A) Physiological needs

Explanation: Maslow’s hierarchy suggests that lower-level needs must be met before higher-level needs can be fulfilled.

7. What is the role of the amygdala in emotional development?

  • A) Memory formation
  • B) Emotional regulation
  • C) Language development
  • D) Socialization

Answer: B) Emotional regulation

Explanation: The amygdala plays a key role in processing emotions and emotional regulation.

8. In behaviorist theory, what is the process of gradually shaping behavior through reinforcement called?

  • A) Classical conditioning
  • B) Operant conditioning
  • C) Observational learning
  • D) Social learning

Answer: B) Operant conditioning

Explanation: Operant conditioning involves reinforcing desired behaviors to shape them over time.

9. What is the main emphasis of Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?

  • A) IQ testing
  • B) Emotional intelligence
  • C) Diversity of human intelligence
  • D) Cognitive development

Answer: C) Diversity of human intelligence

Explanation: Gardner proposed that intelligence is not a single trait but a variety of abilities, including linguistic, musical, and interpersonal.

10. According to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development, which stage is characterized by adherence to social norms and authority figures?

  • A) Preconventional
  • B) Conventional
  • C) Postconventional
  • D) Unconventional

Answer: B) Conventional

Explanation: In the conventional stage, individuals value conformity and follow societal rules and expectations.

12. Which theorist is associated with the concept of the “self” and its development?

  • A) Jean Piaget
  • B) Erik Erikson
  • C) Lev Vygotsky
  • D) Carl Rogers

Answer: D) Carl Rogers

Explanation: Carl Rogers emphasized the development of the self-concept and self-esteem.

13. What is the primary focus of Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory?

  • A) Individual learning
  • B) Social interactions
  • C) Emotional development
  • D) Biological factors

Answer: B) Social interactions

Explanation: Vygotsky emphasized the role of social interactions in cognitive development.

14. According to Erik Erikson, what is the main psychosocial challenge of adolescence?

  • A) Trust vs. Mistrust
  • B) Autonomy vs. Shame
  • C) Identity vs. Role Confusion
  • D) Generativity vs. Stagnation

Answer: C) Identity vs. Role Confusion

Explanation: Adolescents face the challenge of forming a coherent identity.

15. Which of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?

  • A) Running
  • B) Jumping
  • C) Writing
  • D) Kicking

Answer: C) Writing

Explanation: Fine motor skills involve small muscle movements, such as those used in writing.

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