Current Affairs Today: December 4, 2023

Global Health:

  • Malaria on the rise: The World Malaria Report 2023 paints a grim picture, with global cases increasing after years of decline. This highlights the urgent need for renewed efforts in prevention and treatment.
  • India re-elected to International Maritime Organization: On a positive note, India secured a resounding victory in the IMO elections, reaffirming its commitment to maritime safety and security.

National Headlines:

  • India ranks 144th in World Happiness Report: This sobering ranking sparks important conversations about well-being and the factors impacting happiness across nations.
  • Cabinet approves Garib Kalyan food grain programme extension: Relief for millions as the government extends the crucial food security program for another five years.
  • PM-Kisan Bhai scheme launched: A new initiative aims to empower farmers by breaking the monopoly of traders and ensuring fair prices for their produce.
  • Drishti IAS unveils ‘Unveiling Taboos’ campaign: A commendable effort to break the silence around sexual education and empower young people with essential knowledge.

Other News:

  • Karnataka launches “Dr Puneeth Rajkumar Hrudaya Jyoti Yojana”: This healthcare scheme provides financial assistance for heart surgeries, honoring the late actor’s philanthropic legacy.
  • Urban Affairs Ministry launches Amplifi 2.0 portal: This platform aims to connect women self-help groups with technology and resources, boosting their entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Kachan Devi becomes first woman DG of ICFRE: A historic moment as Devi shatters glass ceilings and takes on the leadership role at the Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education.

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